Friday, 6 September 2013

Day at the gun range!!

This has been the hardest couple of months I think I have had to endure. So many changes have occurred, my faith has been shaken a bit and to top it off my anxiety has been tested. I have had to resort to taking some anti anxiety meds a couple of times, and if you really knew me you'd know that was a big deal for me. I do not like taking meds. In fact I try to muscle through headaches, and sometimes through migraines. I fail about two hours into the headaches but I try!
So today my husband thought I needed a bit of therapy and since I am all for getting out of the house these days I jumped on the chance to go shooting.
I have to tell you I had a blast! The ear muffs squeezed the crap out of my head, but I had a grand time. I started out shooting a little .22, then I went to my husband's rifle.

The fact I was unable to keep the damn thing in my shoulder bothered me, but I muscled through and I did a grand job! So while I was there I was told I should up my game a little, and by doing so I needed to shoot a .40. I did, and I liked the heavier gun better then the little .22 I started out with. I seemed to do a much better job hitting my target then I had with the .22. Of course my father in law felt I needed to go one more. So I shot a .45! I am a small person and only weigh about 120lbs. Now having said that I was a little nervous about the kick I would get from the gun. However, the kick was the least of my problems. I had a few shells fly into my shirt and burn my skin. That is something I was not prepared for! I am proud of myself for not getting hysterical and waving a loaded gun around while the shell case burned my skin! I laughed it off and mentioned how the firing of a gun smelled an awful lot like firecrackers. Of course that was probably the smell of my burnt flesh! 
So while I was shooting I did get a lot of things out of my system. I just imagined my problems as the target and I shot away. I will admit it was a quick fix and once I got home everything came rushing back again as though I had never left but the fact is I got some relief. I also thought to myself what a fun experience. There was nothing to be afraid of. The entire time I was educated on how to hold the gun to how to load it and switch the safety off. My husband had offered to load my magazines (Terminology may not be accurate!), but I opted to load the magazine myself. At first I found it hard, my left hand isn't every strong and holding down the slide was a bit difficult. I managed to muscle through, and then I loaded the gun. All the while my husband, who has been shooting since he could use the toilet on his own, made sure I did what I was supposed to. He reminded me a few times to keep my finger off the trigger when I wasn't going to shoot or when I was just aiming. All in all I felt really proud of myself for going on this outing. I have always been an advocate for the 2nd Amendment but now I would have to say I UNDERSTAND it. By that I mean I simply get why it is important, and why gun education is the key to losing the fear about guns. If only everyone could take the time to learn a little about guns and gun safety they would see there is nothing to be frighted about. 
Now, I have to say I am not the best little shooter in the world as you can see from my picture! 
I may have been all over the place but I made a few count!! Now I am sure you will see that there is no sign of the .40 or the .45 and I will tell you why! When I shot the .40 I used a different target and the .45 I just didn't hit the mark. I managed to hit the hill side behind the target though!! Ha ha, at least I hit something! 
I think this is going to be a regular thing and who knows perhaps I may purchase my own lady weapon! Look out shooting competitions, I won't enter you but I'm a new spectator!  

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