Recently I have been thrust into a situation that is less than desirable. I am living in a place that I do not like. I would rather be burned at the stake then live here another day. However, this is the situation that I am, and it is something that has happened to me due to circumstances beyond my control.
I have a friend, lets call her Amy, who used to be a close friend. A best friend if you will, but alas after high school she and I did what normal people do after a while. We grew apart. She stayed in the town I hate and I moved to a different town.
Temporarily I have moved back to this town, and she and I have started our friendship up again as though nothing has changed. I still no longer use her as someone to confide in, I tell her the summary of things going on in my life but nothing that is secretive. However, this doesn't stop her from judging me and lecturing me on things she knows nothing about.
She wasn't shy about explaining to me how much of a loser I am and how I have allowed this situation to happen. Mind you I didn't plan on a member of my family becoming disable. I was working on my bachelor degree, I wasn't working when all this occurred. When things came crashing down I tried very hard to get another job, so I could stay where I wanted to stay. However, that didn't happen. I am finding it much harder to get a job since I have been out of work for so long even though I have been keeping up with my skills. I have gone through agencies telling me I have no skills, though the ones they expected me to have were none I have ever used in a professional setting. I have been through countless interviews where they look at me with sadness and tell me that I would be perfect if I was bilingual. The hill I am working up isn't easy but I'm trying. Having a "friend" tell me that I am not doing everything I need to do and I should be ashamed for applying for jobs in a place I don't want to be. By the way she wants me to apply for jobs here, but I am not....I mean why would I want to be in a place I don't want to be. My husband and I have figured out where we want to be and how we are going to get there. I just do not understand why she feels the need to comment on things she doesn't understand. When asked were I was planing on living she snorted at my answer. Why? Well, I assume it was not the place she had hoped. She then asked me what was in this town we wanted to move to. My first answer wanted to come out as "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" however, I didn't say that I informed her that my husband had uncles near by. She pursed her lips in frustration. I have been mean to other friends before when they were doing things that continued a behavior that hurt them. However, I NEVER stopped being supportive to someone when they needed it. I am wondering why in the world she felt the need to belittle me and then to proceed belittling me behind my back to other friends. Amy finds my husband to be a loser, I don't understand how he can be though of as a loser. Things occurred to him, by no fault of his own. He didn't ask to be hurt at work, nor did he put himself in harms way.
I wish she would take a moment and think that with all the layoffs she could have been cut from her job as a teacher, and her husband could easily become disable as well being a cop. So question..why isn't she more of a friend.
A true friend would say..."Hey there is a position at work you can do until you find something better. I can talk to my boss..." not lecture you about things beyond your control.